Marine Technology Society

The Marine Technology Society was incorporated in June 1963 to give members of academia, government and industry a common forum for the exchange of information and ideas. Our guiding purpose is:

“To promote awareness, understanding, advancement and application of marine technology.”

Today, MTS is a growing organization, boasting a membership of businesses, institutions, individual professionals and students who are ocean engineers, technologists, policy makers and educators.  Our goals are:

Today, MTS is a growing organization, boasting a membership of businesses, institutions, individual professionals and students who are ocean engineers, technologists, policy makers and educators.

  • Disseminating marine science and technical knowledge.
  • Promoting and supporting education for marine scientists, engineers, and technicians.
  • Advancing the development of tools required to explore, study and utilize the oceans.
  • Providing services that create a broader understanding of the relevance of the marine sciences to other technologies, arts and human affairs.


MTS’s long-range vision is to be:

“The leading authority and advocate for marine technology and resources while promoting member success and public understanding.”

For more information about the National Society, click here.

For more information about membership, click here.