We are currently planning the 2017 Oregon Regional MATE ROV Competition which will be held on Saturday, April 29th in Lincoln City. Over 200 elementary through college aged students will be bringing their student-built underwater robots to the Lincoln City Community Center to attempt this year’s mission tasks in the pools, as well as making presentations to panels of engineering judges, and having their marketing displays (posters) judged by communications specialists. Over 50 volunteers are needed to run this annual competition. We are currently looking for volunteers willing to serve as engineering judges, mission judges, marketing judges, divers, and to act as support staff for set-up, registration and food service.  For more information on the program, please visit our website at: http://oregon.marinetech2.org/

If you are interested in volunteering, please follow the link below to indicate your availability and interest. Feel free to contact me with any questions.  https://goo.gl/forms/EkJ9ErUmaWXjJ3Oy2

Thank you!


Tracy Crews
Oregon Sea Grant Marine Education Manager
Oregon Coast STEM Hub Programming Coordinator
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, Oregon 97365